Welcome to ARM Developments

This page is dedicated to all things ARM. It contains links to pages concerned with the ARM processor and it contains some information not available elsewhere.

Contained within these pages are links to work I am doing using the ATMEL ARM Thumb Processors. I am using the ATMEL EB01 development boards and a board of my own design (see left), using the GNU Toolset under NT to produce programs that run on the EB01.


e-mail - Andy Hare

Pages last updated 15/01/04


ARM is a trademark and StrongARM is a registered trademark of ARM, Ltd.


15/01/04 Added the schematics and board layout for a CS8900 based ethernet adapter that plugs onto the processor card. The test software can be found below and on the downloads page. I also have RedBoot running and using the hardware. No interrupts as yet.
25/09/03 Changed pictures to show the latest hardware versions of the APS01 cpu board Also added the new network card description to the hardware page.
18/09/03 Added the cs8900 Test Software on the downloads page for the new cs8900 ethernet board that I have just built and now tested..
14/12/02 Added a new version of the flash programmer on the downloads page.
30/11/02 Modified the downloads page and also removed all the GNU Binaries as there is no need to carry these anymore. They can be re-built from the source. Have also changed location of the web pages back to freeserve from btinternet at least until I get domain name registered and somewhere to host it.
03/6/01 Changed the schematic and board layout files in the zip so that they can be read under the new V4.03 version of eagle.
29/4/01 Added the flash programmer for the above processor board, they can be found in the downloads page.
16/4/01 Added the schematic and board layout for the above processor board, they can be found in the downloads page.
18/03/01 Updated site to show picture of own ATMEL Hardware and also to add page for description of the new hardware and provide links to downloadable schematics.