This page will act as a container to all the files available from this site. All the libraries built and programs developed for the ARM AT91 processor will appear here.
Filename | Release Date | Filesize | Description | | 28/12/99 |
561,755 bytes | A NEWER VERSION OF THIS FILE EXISTS HERE This is the current version of the ATMEL AT91 Library converted to run on the GNU Toolset. The libaries compile and all the examples can be built under the GNU toolset for the ARM processor. The examples will also debug using either GDB or Insight-GDB using the angel build version. The makefile in the examples directory will re-build all the examples and 'make angel' will create the angel debugging versions. | | 7/10/00 | 539,841bytes | This is the current version of the ATMEL AT91 Library converted to run on the GNU Toolset. The libaries compile and all the examples can be built under the GNU toolset for the ARM processor. The examples will also debug using either GDB or Insight-GDB using the angel build version. The makefile in the examples directory will re-build all the examples and 'make angel' will create the angel debugging versions. These are as the above utilities except that these have the end of line characters changed to only lf so that the files will build under the new cygwin net release. | | 12/11/00 | 547,365 bytes | This is the current version of the ATMEL AT91 Library converted to run on the GNU Toolset. The libaries compile and all the examples can be built under the GNU toolset for the ARM processor. The examples will also debug using either GDB or Insight-GDB using the angel build version. The makefile in the examples directory will re-build all the examples and 'make angel' will create the angel debugging versions. These are as the above utilities except that these have the end of line characters changed to only lf so that the files will build under the new cygwin net release. It replaces that had some files missing. |
targetselection.itb | 24/12/00 | 34,310 bytes | This is the replacement target selection file for the Insight debugger from Macraigor that has the Wiggler support built in. It replaces the current file from this archive and can be found in /usr/share/gdbtcl. I am currently using this file on my laptop with Insight. |
Processor card V3 | 03/6/01 | 74,028 bytes | This is the schematic and board layout for the processor card seen on the front page of this web site and described in the hardware section of this site. It is in Eagle format and readable under the free version found at cadsoft, Postscript versions of the schematic found here. |
Flash Programmer | 29/4/01 | 123,335 bytes | A NEWER VERSION OF THIS FILE EXISTS HERE This is the flash programmer I use to program the flash on the above processor card. The documentation can be found within the zip file or here. This code builds using the ARM GCC toolkit and is in use regularly. |
Flash Programmer | 14/12/02 | 344,275 bytes | This is the new version of the old flash programmer. It now reports its progress out through serial port 0. Also included in this release is the version that programs RedBoot into the base of the flash, so that I can run RedBoot at power up. |
cs8900 Test Software | 18/09/03 | 39,363 bytes | This is the test software talked about in the diary for the new cs8900 based network adapter just built and tested. |
CS8900 Ethernet cardV2 | 15/1/04 | 99,961 bytes | This is the schematic and board layout for the network card described in the hardware section of this site. It is in Eagle format and readable under the free version found at cadsoft. It works with the above software. |